Friday, June 13, 2014

On a Sinking Ship: Captain to the Rescue

"Our ship is sinking!"

"Yes, at times, it really feels like we are on a sinking ship," said seventy-two year old Mariah to her companion Deese, who was a year older and prone to bouts of depression. "At our age, it's only a matter of time. But, we don't have to sink with the ship!"

Mariah and Deese were both struggling with endless senior health issues. 

"I did not spend my entire life working at staying healthy in order to spend my final years visiting doctor's offices!" said Deese, emphatically. "I promised myself that I would always live my senior years to the fullest."

"I understand, dear. This too will pass." 

"They just keep finding one thing after another wrong with me. I feel like a basket case already."

"Well, they call us Agile and Fragile, now. I wonder which of us is which."

They both laughed heartily knowing that there was likely some truth in it. They were just friends and happy together. Both of them loved life, even though it was not always easy.

"Who is going to sail our ship?" asked Mariah, later on that same day. Deese was surprised.  

"You cannot have two captains on a ship," replied Deese. "I should be the captain, as I am a year older."

"I am wiser," replied Mariah, smiling at him. "But, if the ship is sinking already, you get to be the captain. Your job is to save the ship. I am just the first mate."

"Best first mate I ever had!"

So, the two of them paired up as a couple and began to take their lives more seriously. They knew they could have a lot of fun together, in spite of their age and health concerns. They decided to check with their doctors first, and to get some guidelines as to what they could and should not do. Both of their doctors were pleasantly surprised at what they wanted to do together. For the most part, as long as they did not overdo it, there were very few restrictions on their activities.   

It did not take very long before they were continually seen together in the retirement home.  That included the dining room, lunchroom, coffee shop and the recreation hall, as well as the sports facilities. In the evenings, they strolled through the retirement home grounds together.  

"Whatever happened to those two?" asked the retirement home supervisor, a week later. "They are acting like totally different people now.

Deese was wearing the captain's hat that Mariah bought for him in the gift shop. His whole comportment had changed, as if life really mattered now. He stood and walked taller and was definitely happier. Mariah gradually started to lose her worried expression, as they relaxed together.  

"Agile is the captain now and Fragile is his first mate," replied Maggie, their primary caregiver, with a smile. "He needed some responsibility on a take-charge level and she needed someone to assume the responsibility for her."

"These two are actually becoming great role models for other seniors in our retirement home. Do you think they would like to sail a larger ship together?"

"Let's ask them!"

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